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Why Does Hursty Make ES Themes and Media?

I enjoy creating stuff is pretty much the only reason. As I get older keeping active is getting harder, so using Photoshop gives me something to do in my spare time as a hobby. I don't game much any more to be completely honest, I would create media 95% and play games 5% of the time. In short, it keeps me busy and I am my happiest when being creative. I do this as a hobby and work full time in a pretty stressful job.

Understand Hursty

What I like about this hobby:

  • I enjoy seeing people showing off their latest cabinet build and seeing one of my themes on there

  • I enjoy exploring new ideas

  • I enjoy helping people when I can

  • I enjoy seeing how creative other people can be

What I dislike about this hobby

  • Image makers who think they are gods and their work is "the best!"

  • People in groups who enjoy being as unhelpful as humanly possible and try to be pests

  • People editing my themes in a way they were not intended to look

  • Seeing themes made for 16:9 monitors used on 5:4 or 4:3.

Character L (Left)

Will Hursty Make Me a Custom Theme for ES?

The answer is, maybe. Depending on a few factors.

  • Depends how busy I am at the time

  • Depends on how big or small of a job it is

  • Depends if we can agree on the idea

  • Depends if it seems appealing to make

Things to consider if looking for a custom theme:

  • Screen ratio, 16:9, 5:4 etc

  • Have an idea in mind. Horizontal/Vertical Wheels on main screen?

  • What is the focus? 80's Neon, Mario, Ghostbusters etc?

  • Consider the limitations of ES.

Streets of Rage Collection.png

Does Hursty Make Themes for Other Front Ends?

In short, no. I have dabbled with Batocera, HyperSpin, Launchbox, Big Box, Retro FE and the reality is I just can't be bothered learning new code etc. All front ends have their pros and cons and in many ways every front end is better than another in certain areas. I stuck with EmulationStation because for 2 main reasons. 1. I understood it (mostly) and it is easy and I find the simple way it works appealing. 2. I really stick to Pi stuff and not PC.

I have done a few Attract Mode Themes, but I also find it quite challenging as the code is very strange to me.

I also dabble in video editing. So I am happy to look at making videos too or anything with photoshop. Custom wallpapers, bezels, wheel art.....anything! I just like creating.


I do not have any formal mechanisms in place resulting in me making any money from my themes or media. I do this stuff just to keep busy and hopefully give someone options for their build. I don't make money from YouTube or anything like that or try and make a financial gain at all. I have had a handful of donations from generous people saying thank you over the last few years. To those people, I say thank you very much, it helps override the people who do their best to demotivate.

If you feel like donating, here is my details:

Contact Me

Email me at: or find me on messenger is the best way to contact me.

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